The mixture between the new technologies applied to education, the new educational methodologies and the concept that the student is the center of their learning process results in the need to create spaces different from the traditional classroom space. New technologies have been placed on school agendas for years as essential elements for education. If we want our children and young people to know how to get along in the world and work in an increasingly technological environment, it is clear that we have to teach them with the same tools.

Most of the schools that have initiated the process of introducing different technological tools, computers, iPads, mobile phone use and more recently 3D printers, virtual reality, etc. have done so with little or no experience in the use of same by the teachers. Experience no longer personal, which in many cases either, but professional.
¿How do will integrate these new tools in the way I educate?
This question that should have been prior to the introduction of these tools has been done later. This has led to failures in its introduction or inefficiencies, such as supplying the book by the iPad only in a change of hardware. At the same time there is a revolution in learning systems, the old educational paradigms are no longer useful. The teacher can not be the only source of learning by memorizing the students.
Children need to be protagonists of their own learning process: they investigate, interact, prototype, develop, create and present the results. All these changes are occurring at the same time, and spaces are no longer mere containers of what goes on inside, but become co-protagonists playing an important role in making this transformation in the right direction.
In Espais x Educar we are experts in bringing together all the elements that this transformation entails, doing it with the teams of teachers and with students who are going to be the final users of the spaces. So that there are not two equal spaces, just as there are not two equal educational projects. Our work proposal combines the definition and design of the spaces together with the learning on the part of those who will have to use them so that when the spaces are inaugurated they are already at full capacity from the first day.
One of the proposals that will be developed in the future in all schools will be a space that Maker, which combines technology, design, prototyping and production. With different methodologies at the same time, individual work, by teams, cooperation and transversal learning and presentations. The Maker space stands out for the concept of organizing the space to favor the development of the skills and competences of students as opposed to the classic vision of content transmission.
The spatial requirements are:
- 3 m2 per student who will use the room simultaneously
- Space isolated from the classrooms or with acoustic insulation
- The furniture will be mobile, although it will have a predefined use in each space.
- The use of children of different ages and the change of height necessary in the furniture will be taken into account
- Analysis of electrical and connectivity installations to provide the necessary for the use of space Maker
Below we present a possible distribution of spaces within the classroom with a brief description.
Where teacher and student can interact in a large group taking advantage of technology to enhance this exchange.
- Tables and chairs that can vary in height to accommodate different ages, work proposal that is high table.
- Large format interactive panel between 55 '' and 65 ''.
Where peer learning is facilitated with the help of teachers. Space where teamwork and cooperative work takes place.
- Tables easy to move and allow different compositions. Laptops or tablets.
- "Slates" for brainstorming, digital screens, walls, glass, furniture ...
Through advanced and traditional technological tools, the process of prototyping and digital creation is favored.
- Audio and video recording area
- Zone of tools and devices of creation (saws, milling machines, drill)
- Design and 3D printing area
Where students can research and develop technological devices such as robots, programmable boards, programming languages, etc.
- Powerful fixed and portable equipment that allows the development of programming activities and 3D design,
- Virtual Reality RV, Augmented Reality RA Robotics kits
- High tables, and storage systems for small parts and controller chips.
Where students can work individually and informally to develop critical thinking.
- Poufs, armchairs or sofas to form a comfortable and quiet area.
- Tablets and whiteboards to work in a more informal and comfortable way.
Where students and teachers can represent the different phases of their projects and the final exhibitions.
- Grader for a group of 30 students.
- Poufs and mobile chairs.
- Mobile banks
- Large format interactive panel.
We will be happy to provide you with new ideas for the design of your Maker classroom!
We encourage you to try a new resource in your school that will give you many new learning possibilities for your students.